List of templates

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Here is a list of FUDforum's templates. These templates are located in the forum's FUDdata/thm/<TEMPLATE_SET>/tmpl/ directory. More information on FUDforums templates is available at

Page templates

Templates that generate pages:

File Template name Description
actions.tmpl ACTION_PAGE iSpy User Action List.
avatarsel.tmpl AVATARSEL_PAGE Built In Avatar List.
bookmarked.tmpl BOOKMARKED_PAGE Bookmarked thread list.
buddy_list.tmpl BUDDYLIST_PAGE Buddy list.
coppa_fax.tmpl COPPAFAX_PAGE Printable form for parents & guardians who wish to confirm their child's account on the forum.
coppa.tmpl COPPA_PAGE Determines if a new user is <13 years of age, needed for COPPA compliance.
email.tmpl EMAIL_PAGE
error.tmpl ERROR_PAGE A page where the users are taken to when they encounter a problem with the forum.
finduser.tmpl FINDUSER_PAGE User search form.
forum.css.tmpl FORUM_CSS The forum's CSS styles.
groupmgr.tmpl GROUP_MANAGER Group permissions manager.
help_index.tmpl HELP_PAGE F.A.Q. page.
ignore_list.tmpl IGNORELIST_PAGE Ignore users control panel.
index.tmpl INDEX_PAGE
ip.tmpl IP_PAGE IP information display page.
list_referers.tmpl REFERALS_PAGE A list of all the users who referred people to the forum and who they referred.
login.tmpl LOGIN_PAGE
merge_th.tmpl MERGE_TH_PAGE A form that allows moderators to merge threads.
mklist.tmpl MKLIST_PAGE A popup assistant for creating lists using BBcode.
mmd.tmpl MMD Mass move/delete control panel.
mmod.tmpl delete_confirm_pg Delete confirmation message.
mnav.tmpl MNAV_PAGE Message navigator.
modque.tmpl MODQUE_PAGE Draws a list of all the messages that are pending approval by the moderator.
movemsg.tmpl MOVE_MSG_PAGE A form that allows moderators to move messages from one topic to another.
msg.tmpl MSG_PAGE Draws a flat view of all the messages inside a thread (also see drawmsg.tmpl, which deals with drawing of message content for every message).
mvthread.tmpl MVTHREAD_PAGE Move thread to another forum form.
online_today.tmpl ONLINE_TODAY_PAGE List of users who were online today.
pmsg_dump.tmpl PMSG_DUMP_PAGE Private messages control panel.
pmsg.tmpl PMSG_PAGE Private messages control panel.
pmsg_view.tmpl PMSG_PAGE Form for viewing private messages.
pmuserloc.tmpl PMUSERLOC_PAGE Find user popup used by private message post form.
polllist.tmpl POLLLIST_PAGE A page that lists all of the available polls in a forum.
poll.tmpl POLL_PAGE Poll creator.
post.tmpl moderated_forum_post
post.tmpl POST_PAGE Message posting form.
ppost.tmpl PPOST_PAGE Form for writing private messages.
pre_reg.tmpl PREREG_PAGE Forum rules to which a user must agree prior to registering.
qbud.tmpl QBUD_PAGE Buddy selector popup.
ratingtrack.tmpl RATINGTRACK_PAGE Manage thread rating track.
referals.tmpl REFERALS_PAGE Show all referred users by a certain user.
reg_conf.tmpl REG_CONF
register.tmpl REGISTER_PAGE Registration AND profile page.
remail.tmpl REMAIL_PAGE E-mail to friend page.
reported.tmpl REPORTED_PAGE A list of the reported messages.
report.tmpl REPORT_PAGE Report message to moderator/administrator form.
reset.tmpl RESET_PAGE Reset password for an account form.
rpasswd.tmpl RPASSWD_PAGE Change password popup.
ruser.tmpl RUSER_PAGE Change user login popup (introduced in FUDforum 3.0.2).
search.tmpl SEARCH_PAGE Message search form.
selmsg.tmpl SELMSG_PAGE A form which can show today's, unread, unanswered, etc... posts.
showposts.tmpl SHOWPOSTS_PAGE Show all posts by a user.
smladd.tmpl SMLLIST_PAGE
split_th.tmpl SPLIT_TH_PAGE A form that allows moderators to split threads.
subscribed.tmpl SUBSCRIBED_PAGE Subscribed forums and threads list.
thread.tmpl THREAD_PAGE Shows the threads in a particular forum.
threadt.tmpl THREAD_PAGE Shows the threads in a particular forum.
thr_exch.tmpl THR_EXCH_PAGE List of messages that moderators have put up for moving.
tree_msg.tmpl TREE_MSG_PAGE AJAX replace for message in tree.tmpl.
tree.tmpl TREE_PAGE A tree(thread) view of all the messages inside a topic.
uc.tmpl UC_PAGE User control panel.
usrinfo.tmpl USERINFO_PAGE Info about a particular user in the forum.

Main sections

A "Main Section" is a reusable block that can be included into pages. These templates contain main sections:

File Main Section Description
admincp.tmpl admin_cp Administrator Control Panel.
allowed_user_lnk.tmpl err_coppa_title
allowed_user_lnk.tmpl err_blockedaccnt_title
curtime.tmpl curtime Current time indicator.
drawmsg.tmpl message_entry Message Entry (a single message).
drawpmsg.tmpl private_message_entry Draws a single private message.
draw_forum_path.tmpl forum_path
draw_pager.tmpl page_pager The Page Selector (found on thread/msg and other pages).
draw_pager.tmpl page_pager_js The Page Selector (found on thread/msg and other pages) for javascript pager.
draw_radio_opt.tmpl checkbox_area Standard forum checkbox appearance.
draw_select_opt.tmpl option_area Standard forum select options.
footer.tmpl footer Forum's page footer.
footer.tmpl footer_plain Forum's page footer for plain pages such as popups.
forumsel.tmpl forum_select A drop down select of all the categories & forums.
get_cur_ppage.tmpl cur_ppage Private messaging action indicator.
header.tmpl header The forum's page header.
header.tmpl header_plain Page header for small popup forms.
logedin.tmpl loged_in_list Loggedin user list.
minimsg.tmpl minimsg_form List of messages in the thread you're replying to.
minimsg.tmpl minimsg_hidden Display list of message in the thread you're replying to link.
postcheck.tmpl post_error_breakback Post form error style with break in the back.
postcheck.tmpl post_error_breakfront Post form error style with break in the front.
post_opt.tmpl posting_options What features are enabled/disabled for this post.
quicklogin.tmpl quick_login_on
quicklogin.tmpl quick_login_loged_in
show.tmpl show_links The links that you see on index/thread/msg page that allow you to access selmsg.
stats.tmpl admin_page_stats Administrator page stats.
stats.tmpl public_page_stats Page stats.
tabs.tmpl tablist Tablist used in the profile control panels.
topic_rating.tmpl thread_rating
usercp.tmpl usercp User control panel - links on top of page: Private Messaging, Members, Search, Help, Control Panel, Login/Logout, Home, Admin Control Panel, etc.

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