FUDforum 2.6.9 was released on 14 December 2004. This release is no longer supported. Please upgrade to FUDforum 3.0.0 ASAP.
Right on the heels of FUDforum 2.6.8 here goes 2.6.9RC1. The purpose of this release is two fold, fix few small buglets I've discovered in 2.6.8 as well as introduce a few performance enchantments that should improve the speed of posting messages and reduce their overall affect on the forum's performance while this is happening.
- Minor installer optimization.
- Unify admin checks.
- Make sure that for new users notifications are selected by default.
- Do not enable COPPA by default.
- Disable sign-up referrer tracking by default.
- Fixed bug with category cache generation.
- Fixed layout bug on email & message reporting forms.
- Disable auto-complete for admin settings.
- Allow admin to disable timezone settings because it seems to cause problems when Apache 2 is used in conjunction with mod_perl.
- Added notice about the usage of admin group manager.
- Do not use temporary table unless there are >250 messages inside a topic.
- Create special tables for locking during message write operation so that they do not interfere with reading of data from normal tables.
- Reduce the duration of locks during posting of a new topic and message reply.
- Remove the tmp column from the view table, we no longer need it.
- Fixed bug with PostgreSQL and compact category view.
- Stop usage of 1=1, which apparently causes problems for certain versions of MySQL query optimizer.
- Reduce the size of FUDforum archive by ~60kb (uncompressed form). This helps with memory limit situation.
The 2nd and hopefully the final RC of the 2.6.9 release is out.
This release introduces a number of database related optimizations and allows enabling of MySQL 4.1 tuning options for even greater performance. (I am still reviewing sub-query support). The other big change in this release is the dropping of dependency on the PDF extension for PDF generation. Instead a bundled (customized) FPDF library (freeware) is used for this purpose. I've also takes this time to improve the generated PDFs.
Aside from those the release includes the usuall amount of fixes.
- Changed PDF generation to use bundled FDPF library.
- Fixed template path in template editor.
- Fixed [quote] tag transformation to plain text when submitting forum message to mailing list or NNTP.
- Fixed category display in certain conditions.
- On reported page make sure that moderators see edit/delete buttons.
- Fixed view rebuilding in PostgreSQL.
- Do not use temporary tables for message display unless topic has >250 messages inside it.
- Fixed a bug with marking the forum read and optimize the process of making a forum read.
- Don't forget to remove obsolete templates from default theme, even if it is not enabled.
Here goes the 2.6.9 release. This release is the culmination of the last few months of tunes and upgrades. The final release incorporates the changes found in the previous RCs as well as the following bug fixes:
- Don't remove sticky/announcement topics during pruning.
- Optimize out a query during file attachment.
- Sub-query optimization for MySQL 4.1 and PostgreSQL for poll option removal.
- Fixed charset conversion in NNTP/Mailing List import.
- Make sure mailing list and nntp synchronization is only done when asked for.
- Don't lose sort order on show posts pager.
- Fixed warning in category order rebuild and possible query failure when adding 1st category.
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